Posts Tagged ‘historical drama’


THE SKED Pilot + 1 Review: “Turn”

  TURN:  Sunday 9PM on AMC Previously… on TURN:  In 1776, apolitical New York cabbage farmer Abe Woodhull (Jamie Bell) is pulled into spying for the colonial cause, inveigled by his old friends Ben Tallmadge (Seth ...
by Mitch Salem


THE SKED Season Premiere Review: “Mad Men”

  MAD MEN:  Sunday 10PM on AMC Fresh episodes of MAD MEN will likely still be airing more than a year from now, so all the obituaries for the series that have been appearing lately run the risk of sounding like “Gen...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED Pilot + 1 Review: “Black Sails”

  BLACK SAILS:  Saturday 9PM on Starz Previously… on BLACK SAILS:  In 1715, Nassau and the waters around it weren’t yet controlled by any government, and existed instead as the domain of independent pirates a...
by Mitch Salem


THE SKED Season Finale Review: “Mob City”

  Frank Darabont has had a busy couple of weeks, although not necessarily in a good way.  He launched TNT’s MOB CITY, his first project since being thrown off AMC’s The Walking Dead after less than two seasons...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED FINALE REVIEW: “Bonnie & Clyde” Part 2

  BONNIE & CLYDE saved its most idiotic inspiration for the end.  Up until its last few minutes, the second half of the Lifetime/A&E/History miniseries was perhaps marginally better than its first (which we dealt ...
by Mitch Salem



  BONNIE & CLYDE:  Concludes Monday 9PM on Lifetime/A&E/History It’s been 46 years since the classic movie, and besides, plenty of historical events and figures have been the subjects of multiple productions...
by Mitch Salem



AFI FEST Film Review: “Lone Survivor”

  LONE SURVIVOR:  Buy A Ticket – A Powerfully Visceral Tale of War Peter Berg’s LONE SURVIVOR, which was shown at the AFI Film Festival tonight in advance of its release late next month, is a docudrama in the ...
by Mitch Salem


AFI FEST Film Review: “Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom”

  MANDELA: LONG WALK TO FREEDOM:  Watch It At Home – More Like a Trudge The movies haven’t figured out what to do with Idris Elba.  The powerful, fiery actor has been spectacular on TV, first on The Wire and ...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED Pilot + 1 Review: “Masters of Sex”

  MASTERS OF SEX:  Sunday 10PM on Showtime Previously… on MASTERS OF SEX:  In 1956, brilliant but arrogant and socially awkward fertility expert William Masters (Michael Sheen) prepares to start his trailblazing re...
by Mitch Salem



  The writer Peter Morgan is a whiz at boring into little-remembered (and in the US, sometimes little-known) crannies of recent history and scooping out the rich drama inside, with scripts like The Deal, Frost/Nixon and Th...
by Mitch Salem




  Steve McQueen (the filmmaker) doesn’t take it easy on audiences.  His first feature Hunger provided an excruciatingly detailed look at the fatal hunger strike of the Irish convict Bobby Sands, and he followed it w...
by Mitch Salem


THE SKED Pilot + 1 Review: “The White Queen”

  THE WHITE QUEEN:  Saturday 9PM on Starz Previously… on THE WHITE QUEEN:  Lady Elizabeth Woodville (Rebecca Ferguson) was a widow with two children who captured the lust, and then the heart, of England’s Kin...
by Mitch Salem




  Starz’s DA VINCI’S DEMONS was unsatisfactory in just about every respect, all the way through to tonight’s Season 1 finale, a cluster of cliffhangers that resolved almost nothing.  Watching the end of ...
by Mitch Salem



  THE BORGIAS:  Sunday 10PM on Showtime Showtime must have a great co-production deal on THE BORGIAS.  Despite what is evidently a handsome budget–certainly far more expensive than what shows like House of Lies or ...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED PILOT REVIEW: “Da Vinci’s Demons”

  DA VINCI’S DEMONS:  Friday 9PM on Starz – If Nothing Else Is On… Starz has been searching for a signature original series it can call its own, especially now that Homeland has brought Showtime, arguabl...
by Mitch Salem