Posts Tagged ‘mcgregor’


THE SHOWBUZZDAILY REVIEW: “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 3D”

    STAR WARS EPISODE I:  THE PHANTOM MENACE 3D, to give it its fully identifying title, has the distinction of being the most successful movie ever made that is generally agreed to be terrible.  Over $900M in ticke...
by Mitch Salem




Our Review / 5 - Terrible
by Mitch Salem



    HAYWIRE:  Worth A Ticket – For the Gasp-Inducing Fight Scenes Alone   You might think that if a major, celebrated filmmaker were to take the extraordinary step of announcing, years in advance, that he ...
by Mitch Salem



THE BIJOU @ TIFF: “Salmon Fishing In the Yemen”

> The first substantial buy of the Toronto Film Festival (Shame had sold first, but for art film prices) turned out to be Salmon Fishing In the Yemen, a modestly engaging romantic comedy from Lasse Hallstrom.  Hallstrom ha...
by Mitch Salem



> Worth a Ticket:  A funny, moving story about navigating the twists of life.   Mike Mills’ BEGINNERS is about the fumble for love, the wrong turns and mistakes that can delay–although luckily not always p...
by Mitch Salem