Posts Tagged ‘michelle williams’


Toronto Film Festival Reviews: “The Fabelmans” & “The Eternal Daughter”

  THE FABELMANS (Universal – November 11):  Like all superheroes, Steven Spielberg has an origin story, and he tells it in The Fabelmans, whose world premiere was far and away the signature event of this year’...
by Mitch Salem


SHOWBUZZDAILY Series Finale Review: “Fosse/Verdon”

  FX’s FOSSE/VERDON was a triumph of narrowcasting, a showbiz hall of mirrors about a showbiz hall of mirrors.  That was never more so than in its final installment, where it met its meta-destiny by depicting Bob Fo...
by Mitch Salem



SHOWBUZZDAILY Sundance Film Festival Reviews: “After the Wedding” & “Adam”

  AFTER THE WEDDING (no distrib):  The Danish 2006 After the Wedding, which won that year’s Best Foreign Film Oscar, was shot by director Suzanne Biers in the then-trendy Dogma style, heavy on pseudo-verite camerawo...
by Mitch Salem


THE SHOWBUZZDAILY REVIEW: “Oz the Great and Powerful”

  OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL:  Watch It At Home – Not All Yellow Brick Roads Are Golden The digital landscapes in Sam Raimi’s prequel OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL are gorgeous:  eye-poppingly colorful, and cramme...
by Mitch Salem


by Mitch Salem



    MY WEEK WITH MARILYN:  Worth A Ticket – Michelle Williams is Spectacular, Movie Is Fine   Harvey Weinstein has two movies on the way in the next couple of months featuring actresses who are presumptive...
by Mitch Salem