Posts Tagged ‘science fiction’


SHOWBUZZDAILY Series Finale Review: “Orphan Black”

  ORPHAN BLACK is destined to be remembered more for the showcase it gave to the astonishing Tatiana Maslany than for its own narrative, although of course one couldn’t have existed without the other.  Series creato...
by Mitch Salem


SHOWBUZZDAILY Season Premiere Review: “Orphan Black”

  ORPHAN BLACK:  Saturday 10PM on BBCAmerica A somewhat meta line of dialogue about “consolidation” is a sign that ORPHAN BLACK has commenced its final (and 5th) season.  Series creators Graeme Manson and Joh...
by Mitch Salem



SHOWBUZZDAILY Series Premiere Review: “Colony”

  COLONY:  Thursday 10PM on USA (pilot available via on-demand and streaming) – If Nothing Else Is On… USA’s new COLONY falls into the category of alien-invasion science fiction, but its pilot has more i...
by Mitch Salem


SHOWBUZZDAILY Season Premiere Review: “Falling Skies”

  FALLING SKIES:  Sunday 10PM on TNT FALLING SKIES had a premise that seemed like it should be able to run indefinitely:  a war against alien invaders fought mostly on the ground, as an allegory of the US Revolutionary W...
by Mitch Salem



SHOWBUZZDAILY Season Premiere Review: “Under the Dome”

  UNDER THE DOME:  Thursday 10PM on CBS UNDER THE DOME has become increasingly dopey as it’s tried to justify its existence as a continuing drama after being launched as a limited series adaptation of Stephen King&#...
by Mitch Salem


SHOWBUZZDAILY Season Finale Review: “Orphan Black”

  The third season of ORPHAN BLACK was a step up from Season 2, although the show is still the victim of its plotting.  The main narrative for the season was set up in the Season 2 finale, with the discovery that along wi...
by Mitch Salem



SHOWBUZZDAILY “Midseason” Finale Review: “Haven”

  This season, HAVEN delved deeply into its own mythology, with mixed results.  Haven‘s own situation is unclear, existentially speaking:  it received a super-sized 26-episode order from Syfy earlier this year, wit...
by Mitch Salem


SHOWBUZZDAILY Season Finale Review: “Under the Dome”

  UNDER THE DOME went rather bonkers in its second season, apparently flummoxed by the fact that it existed at all.  Dome had originally been conceived as a limited summer series that, like the Stephen King novel which in...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED Pilot + 1 Review: “Extant”

  EXTANT:  Wednesday 9PM on CBS Previously… on EXTANT:  Astronaut Molly Woods (Halle Berry) returns from a 13 month-long solo mission in space with a surprise–she’s pregnant.  Although come to think of...
by Mitch Salem


THE SKED’S PILOT + 1 REVIEW: “Under the Dome”

  UNDER THE DOME:  Monday 10PM on CBS Previously… on UNDER THE DOME:  Well, there’s a giant freaking dome.  One peaceful Sunday afternoon, it suddenly came down over Chester’s Mill, Maine, enveloping t...
by Mitch Salem




  UNDER THE DOME:  Monday 10PM on CBS – Potential DVR Alert Much of CBS’s programming philosophy is built around the steady reliability of its reruns, so on the face of it, the Eye would seem least likely of t...
by Mitch Salem



  AFTER EARTH:  Not Even For Free – The Smith Family In Outer Space In AFTER EARTH, Will Smith plays Cypher Raige, an emotionally austere father who withholds affection from his son because of his doubt that the boy...
by Mitch Salem





Our Review / 5 - Terrible
by Mitch Salem



      JOHN CARTER:  Watch It At Home – Never Goes Into Orbit   All signs suggest that JOHN CARTER will be a financial failure of historic proportions, mostly because of its colossal cost (Disney admit...
by Mitch Salem