Posts Tagged ‘Boyd Crowder’


THE SKED Season Premiere Review: “Justified”

  JUSTIFIED:  Tuesday 10PM on FX JUSTIFIED is pure dark pleasure to watch.  Other cable series are more thematically or structurally ambitious (which is why Justified is unfairly ignored at awards time), but Graham Yost...
by Mitch Salem


SHOWBUZZDAILY Season Premiere Review: “Justified”

  JUSTIFIED:  Tuesday 10PM on FX Final seasons, as we all know, can be tricky, but JUSTIFIED seems to be in strong shape as it enters its last lap.   Justified lost a bit of its mojo last year, the victim of some inadeq...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED Season Finale Review: “Justified”

  Graham Yost has done an exceptionally smart job of expanding upon Elmore Leonard’s original fiction and showrunning FX’s JUSTIFIED over the past five years, and he knows, as the song says, when to fold em.  ...
by Mitch Salem