Posts Tagged ‘fall TV ratings forecast’


NIELSENWAR 2014-15: SHOWBUZZDAILY’S Fearless Fall Ratings Predictions Full Network Week

  Here are our night-by-night ratings predictions for the Fall network television season:  Monday,  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,  Friday, and Sunday Now that we’ve gone through each night’s Fall ratings, l...
by Mitch Salem


NIELSENWAR 2014-15: SHOWBUZZDAILY’s Fearless Fall Ratings Predictions Sunday

  The rest of the week:  Monday,  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The Saturday primetime network schedule, such as it is, isn’t worth much attention, being a patchwork of reruns and sports (although we wil...
by Mitch Salem



NIELSENWAR 2014-15: SHOWBUZZDAILY’s Fearless Fall Ratings Predictions Friday

  Fridays aren’t the most exciting night on the broadcast network schedule, but there are some interesting changes coming next fall.  We’re following our predictions for Monday,  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs...
by Mitch Salem


NIELSENWAR 2014-15: SHOWBUZZDAILY’S Fearless Fall Ratings Predictions Wednesday

  SHOWBUZZDAILY has taken a look at Monday and Tuesday, and now we’ll pay an early visit to next fall’s network TV Wednesdays and stick out our necks with some early ratings predictions.  As we’ve noted,...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED’S Fall TV Ratings Predictions Sunday

  From a predicting point of view, Sunday is sort of an anti-climactic end to our week of fall TV ratings forecasts, since the winner is obvious and there are few changes from last fall.  (See our more interesting predict...
by Mitch Salem


THE SKED’s Fall TV Ratings Predictions Friday

  We’ve arrived at Friday in our tour of the fall primetime schedule, and former head of NBC Scheduling Mitch Metcalf, former head of NBC Current Programming Ted Frank and I have our predictions ready.  (Here are ou...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED’s Fall TV Ratings Predictions Thursday

  We’re continuing our survey of the fall primetime schedule (our merry band includes former head of NBC Scheduling Mitch Metcalf, former head of NBC Current Programming Ted Frank and myself) with Thursdays, when CBS...
by Mitch Salem