Posts Tagged ‘Leonardo Da VInci’


THE SKED’S PILOT + 1 REVIEW: “Da Vinci’s Demons”

  DA VINCI’S DEMONS:  Friday 9PM on Starz A lot can happen between the creation of a TV pilot in the spring and the production of episodes for the regular season: a writing/producing team is hired, audience focus gr...
by Mitch Salem


THE SKED PILOT REVIEW: “Da Vinci’s Demons”

  DA VINCI’S DEMONS:  Friday 9PM on Starz – If Nothing Else Is On… Starz has been searching for a signature original series it can call its own, especially now that Homeland has brought Showtime, arguabl...
by Mitch Salem




  Starz’s DA VINCI’S DEMONS was unsatisfactory in just about every respect, all the way through to tonight’s Season 1 finale, a cluster of cliffhangers that resolved almost nothing.  Watching the end of ...
by Mitch Salem


THE SKED Season Premiere Review: “Da Vinci’s Demons”

  DA VINCI’S DEMONS:  Saturday 9PM on Starz In its second season, Starz’s DA VINCI’S DEMONS continues to be less fun than it seems like it should be.  The series concerns a “Leonardo Da Vinci̶...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED Season Finale Review: “Da Vinci’s Demons”

  The farther it gets from the historical person named Leonardo Da Vinci, the better Starz’s DA VINCI’S DEMONS tends to be as a series.  In its 2d season, it went very far–all the way to South America, i...
by Mitch Salem