Posts Tagged ‘Memorial Day box office’


Behind the US/Worldwide Weekend Box Office 5.29.2022

  OPENINGS:  Although TOP GUN: MAVERICK (Paramount) is a 36-years-later sequel, the franchise that it really represents is Tom Cruise unto himself.  The last true Hollywood megastar brought in a massive audience that was...
by Mitch Salem


Behind the US/Worldwide Weekend Box Office 5.26.2019

  OPENINGS:  ALADDIN (Disney) will probably be in the top half-dozen Memorial Day openings when Monday brings it to $105M or so (the 3-day total is $86.1M).  Compared to other Disney live-action reboots of animated hits,...
by Mitch Salem



EARLY FRIDAY BOX OFFICE: “Solo” Lonesome, “Deadpool 2″” Down Heavily To Kick Off Memorial Day Weekend

  This may be a good time to pause the stories about Disney’s infalliability, and the unstoppable dominance of the Star Wars franchise.  SOLO (Lucasfilm/Disney) is underperforming in a big way, with preliminary numb...
by Mitch Salem