Posts Tagged ‘Nielsenwar’


NIELSENWAR Network Midterm Grades: FOX

  The midseason part of the broadcast network schedule kicks off in a few hours, and we’ve spent the past few days taking a look at ABC, CBS and NBC.  Today it’s the turn of the most critical patient in the qu...
by Mitch Salem


NIELSENWAR Network Midterm Grades: NBC

  We’re continuing with our examination of the broadcast networks as they near the launch of the midseason part of their schedules.  We’ve already assigned grades to ABC and CBS, and today it’s Peacock s...
by Mitch Salem



NIELSENWAR Network Midterm Grades: CBS

  We’re taking these last days before the broadcast networks’ midseason begins to scrutinize how those still-powerful dinosaurs fared during the fall.  Yesterday we looked at ABC, and today it’s the turn...
by Mitch Salem


NIELSENWAR Network Midterm Grades: ABC

  The broadcast networks aren’t what they used to be, and likely will never be again.  They’re collectively on a train that’s moving in the wrong direction, because the lion’s share of their revenu...
by Mitch Salem



NIELSENWAR: Bring Out Your Dead! NBC Executes “Bad Judge” and “A To Z”

  After last night’s atrocious 0.9/0.7 pairing, it was clear that the writing on the wall for NBC’s BAD JUDGE and A TO Z was scrawled in blood.  The network chose Halloween afternoon to announce the burials. ...
by Mitch Salem


NIELSENWAR: Fall Network Ratings Night By Night Chart & Analysis

  We’re now 5 weeks into the fall TV season, and although some major changes in the schedule are ahead, mostly due to CBS’s half-season of Thursday Night Football coming to an end, there’s enough data to ...
by Mitch Salem



NIELSENWAR: Early Notes From the Front

  We’re a bit more then 2 weeks into the Fall 2014 TV season, most of the new series have had their debuts, and a few selected hours aside, the results aren’t pretty.  We’re going to take a capsule loo...
by Mitch Salem



  The broadcast networks are putting an unprecedented amount of original programming on their airwaves this summer.  With the exception of CBS, which just began ramping up its summer campaign with the return of Big Brothe...
by Mitch Salem



NIELSENWAR 2014-15: C7 Will Save the Networks! (Or Maybe Not)

  According to Advertising Age, advertisers have begun to buy time on the broadcast networks for the 2014-15 TV season, which is the whole reason the hoopla of the “Upfronts” exists in the first place.  There ...
by Mitch Salem


NIELSENWAR: The Kevin Reilly Exit

  The clock starts ticking on a network head’s job the second that he or she takes it, and today time ran out for Kevin Reilly, Entertainment Chairman of the FOX television network.  (Everyone is being extremely civ...
by Mitch Salem



NIELSENWAR 2014-15: SHOWBUZZDAILY’S Fearless Fall Ratings Predictions Full Network Week

  Here are our night-by-night ratings predictions for the Fall network television season:  Monday,  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,  Friday, and Sunday Now that we’ve gone through each night’s Fall ratings, l...
by Mitch Salem


NIELSENWAR 2014-15: SHOWBUZZDAILY’s Fearless Fall Ratings Predictions Sunday

  The rest of the week:  Monday,  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The Saturday primetime network schedule, such as it is, isn’t worth much attention, being a patchwork of reruns and sports (although we wil...
by Mitch Salem



NIELSENWAR 2014-15: SHOWBUZZDAILY’s Fearless Fall Ratings Predictions Friday

  Fridays aren’t the most exciting night on the broadcast network schedule, but there are some interesting changes coming next fall.  We’re following our predictions for Monday,  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs...
by Mitch Salem


NIELSENWAR 2014-15: SHOWBUZZDAILY’s Fearless Fall Ratings Predictions Thursday

  Thursdays are going to look very different next season, so let’s jump right into our very early fall ratings predictions.  We’ve already taken a look at Monday,  Tuesday, and Wednesday, and as before, our p...
by Mitch Salem



NIELSENWAR: A Tale of Two Wins for NBC and ABC

  Note:  all ratings below are Live + Same Day 18-49 numbers , the ratings which experience has shown to be closest to the averages for viewers who watch within 3 days and DO NOT skip through commercials, the “C3...
by Mitch Salem