Posts Tagged ‘source code’


WEEKEND ACTUALS: The Year Keeps Looking Worse

> Compared to the ShowbuzzDaily Forecasts, the weekend numbers for the three opening movies were in the right rank order, although Hop vastly exceeded its forecast.  Source Code and Insidious were much close...
by Mitch Metcalf


SOURCE CODE: If At First You Don’t Succeed…

> Worth a ticket. They say that the definition of madness is repeating the same action with the expectation of a different result.  But that diagnosis doesn’t allow for this:  a man (Jake Gyllenhaal) wakes up an...
by Mitch Salem



ARCHIVE REVIEWS: “Prince of Persia” and “Moon”

> SOURCE CODE is this weekend’s major live-action opening, so here’s a look at some recent work by its star Jake Gyllenhaal and its director Duncan Jones. Gyllenhaal has had a curious Hollywood career thus far, and ...
by Mitch Salem



Warners is claiming that Sucker Punch cost around $80M, which given the scale of the film suggests either admirable cost-effectiveness or a lowball number–in any case, word of mouth is likely to be terrible (see my review...
by Mitch Salem