Posts Tagged ‘Sundance film reviews 2025’


Sundance Film Festival Reviews 2025: “Omaha” & “Ricky”

  OMAHA (no distrib):  A tiny tragedy that doesn’t reveal the true depths of its sadness until the very end.  One morning, a widowed father (John Magaro) hurries his children, 9-year old Ella (Molly Belle Wright) a...
by Mitch Salem


Sundance Film Festival Reviews 2025: “Plainclothes” & “Bunnylovr”

  PLAINCLOTHES (no distrib):  A coming-out story laced with paranoia.  It’s 1997 in upstate New York, and the cops are running undercover operations in public restrooms to lead gay men into indecent exposure charge...
by Mitch Salem



Sundance Film Festival Reviews 2025: “Atropia” & “Bubble & Squeak”

  ATROPIA (no distrib):  A setting in search of a movie.  The US military operates training camps in remote locations around the country that are designed to give soldiers the most accurate possible preparation for time ...
by Mitch Salem


Sundance Film Festival Reviews 2025: “Train Dreams” & “Lurker”

  TRAIN DREAMS (Netflix – TBD):  Train Dreams was one of only two films acquired for wide distribution during Sundance, and while Netflix clearly regards it as an awards contender, barring overwhelming critical supp...
by Mitch Salem



Sundance Film Festival Reviews 2025: “The Wedding Banquet” & “Last Days”

  THE WEDDING BANQUET (Bleecker Street – April 18):  Ang Lee’s 1993 comedy needed to be rethought before it could be remade, since its plot turned on a woman marrying her gay landlord so that she could get a g...
by Mitch Salem