> GAME OF THRONES: Sundays 9PM on HBO Bend the knee, everyone: GAME OF THRONES is back. WHERE WE WERE: Reeling from the decapitation of Eddard Stark, who until the loss of his head had seemed to be the stalwar...
>See A Word About Busted Pilots On paper, EXIT STRATEGY looked like one of the hot FOX pilots this past season, a high-profile (Ethan Hawke’s first TV project) espionage thriller in the vein of 24 that could inherit that ...
LAST RESORT: Thursdays 8PM on ABC WHAT IT’S SAYING: Crimson Tide, with Andre Braugher as Gene Hackman and Scott Speedman as Denzel Washington. Nuclear stakes. A lot of grim-faced guys underwat...
IN TIME: Watch It At Home – The Clock Never Really Starts Ticking Andrew Niccol wants to be a populist moviemaker of ideas, but he just doesn’t have the knack. Niccol’s ideas are genuinely im...
THE EXPENDABLES 2: Watch It At Home – Grumpy Old Mercenaries The first reel of THE EXPENDABLES 2 is just about all the numbskull fun you could ever wish for. Our intrepid team of Barney (Sylvester Stallone), Ch...
As a series, Cinemax’s BANSHEE has been notable for the sheer knock-down, drag-out-edness of its action scenes. One episode started with a bungled robbery which led to a chase that must have lasted 10 minutes, an...
FALLING SKIES – Sunday 9PM on TNT WHERE WE WERE: On our way into a spaceship. The aliens have arrived, and contrary to what Executive Producer Steven Spielberg used to tell us, they’re not nice at ...
ARROW: Wednesday 8PM on CW – If Nothing Else Is On It’s Comic-Con week in San Diego, and while we here don’t participate in that particular hullabaloo (waiting for hours just to see a trailer that’...
FRINGE: Friday 9PM on FOX WHERE WE WERE: The present, or at least a version of it where our Earth exists in multiple parallel near-duplicate dimensions, and “Observers” from the future make sure everythin...
> FOX did what it had to do today, shutting the time-travel portal on TERRA NOVA. The show (which, because of its CG postproduction, would have needed an early renewal to be ready for air in Fall 2012) was enormously expe...