Posts Tagged ‘portman’

by Mitch Salem


YOUR HIGHNESS: Ye Olde Disaster

> Not Even For Free Let’s give a little love to the devious people at Universal who cut the trailers.  The masterminds behind the red-band for YOUR HIGHNESS managed to find, in its 102 dull minutes, roughly 3 and a h...
by Mitch Salem



THOR: Hammered

> Watch It At Home:  The God of Thunder Musters a Tinny Roar. Put it this way:  the new superhero epic THOR cost something like $150M to produce, required the diligent services of hundreds of professionals over a peri...
by Mitch Salem


THE SHOWBUZZDAILY REVIEW: “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 3D”

    STAR WARS EPISODE I:  THE PHANTOM MENACE 3D, to give it its fully identifying title, has the distinction of being the most successful movie ever made that is generally agreed to be terrible.  Over $900M in ticke...
by Mitch Salem