Posts Tagged ‘Statuette’


STATUETTE STAKES: The Oscar Race That Wasn’t

> This year’s Academy Awards have so far engendered the kind of enthusiasm and excitement usually associated with a suburban DMV office on a Tuesday afternoon.  People seem to be sullenly resigned to the inevitabilit...
by Mitch Salem



> Los Angelenos will have a chance to get advance looks at some of this year’s Oscar candidates at the AFI Film Festival, which begins in just about 2 weeks.  Today the Festival announced the Gala and Special Screeni...
by Mitch Salem



STATUETTE STAKES: I’m First! No, I’M First!

> For many years, the National Board of Review has been the self-appointed first group on the calendar to announce awards for Best Picture and other categories.  The NBR is sort of like the Golden Globes without super-powe...
by Mitch Salem



> And the hits keep on coming for the Academy:  following Brett Ratner’s hurried exit yesterday, Eddie Murphy has packed his host bag and left the building as well.  This isn’t a huge surprise, as Murphy w...
by Mitch Salem



STATUETTE STAKES: NY Film Critics Kick Off Awards Season

> The New York Film Critics Circle famously (notoriously?), having decided that they simply couldn’t wait to announce their 2011 awards until, y’know, they had actually seen all the movies (when Warners couldn’...
by Mitch Salem


STATUETTE STAKES: National Board of Review Has Its Day

> The National Board of Review is an organization with a virtually unknown membership that exists in public consciousness for precisely one day per year, and this is their day:  the announcement of their film awards. ...
by Mitch Salem



STATUETTE STAKES: The Ides of Golden Globes

> The Golden Globes are given out by 80 international journalists whose opinions, when they’re not voting on these awards, are of no importance whatsoever to anyone on the planet other than their particular loved ones.&nb...
by Mitch Salem


STATUETTE STAKES: Game of Golden Globes

> Our thoughts on the movie Golden Globe nominations are here.  Meanwhile, in television: BREAKING BAD:  LOSER – Really, one should say Golden Globes Credibility:  Loser, because when you fail to even nomin...
by Mitch Salem



THE STATUETTE STAKES: The Contenders (Part I)

> While you weren’t looking, the Oscar race began. One could make the argument, of course, that it’s been on for months–since, at least, Woody Allen’s MIDNIGHT IN PARIS energized the indie/art-film audie...
by Mitch Salem


THE STATUETTE STAKES: The Contenders (Part 2)

> Today, we return to SHOWBUZZDAILY‘s coverage of the Oscar race (see Part 1 here, with an introduction to those contenders best called the Field–these may not be the favorites, but even as longer shots they’r...
by Mitch Salem



THE STATUETTE STAKES: The Contenders (Part 3)

> Today we wind up SHOWBUZZDAILY‘s introduction of this year’s most promising Oscar contenders (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here, looking at those that could be called Also Eligible–they’re hoping just to...
by Mitch Salem