Posts Tagged ‘Turbo’


Weekend Studio Estimates JULY 19-21

Based on Friday’s grosses, Weekend #29 of 2013 looks like a decent $181 million for the top 12 films, up slightly from yesterday’s estimate and now up 3% from the average for this weekend over the past several year...
by Mitch Metcalf


FRIDAY JULY 19 Box Office Report

Based on Friday’s grosses, Weekend #29 of 2013 looks like a decent $178 million for the top 12 films, about even with the average for this weekend over the past several years (but down significantly from last year’s...
by Mitch Metcalf




  TURBO:  Watch It At Home – Nothing Supercharged About the Script If the new DreamWorks Animation release TURBO proves anything, it’s that even for the competition, there’s a special mystique about the ...
by Mitch Salem


Weekend Box Office Predictions JULY 19-21

The 29th weekend of the year is looking like $178 million for the top 12 films, about normal for this weekend on average the past few years but down significantly from last year, which was dominated by the opening of The Dark ...
by Mitch Metcalf




  What kind of summer movie season has it been, really?  For the past several weeks, business has been consistently up, erasing the losses from a soft spring, and even with 3D, Imax and inflation taken into account, more ...
by Mitch Salem