It’s almost unheard-of for a franchise to need 5 installments to hit its stride, but that was the case with 2011’s Fast Five. After kicking around with its first, moderately successful quartet in various lo...
SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN: Worth A Ticket – Not a Disneyland Ride Just to be clear, the new SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN bears about as much resemblance to this spring’s Mirror Mirror as The Dark ...
COWBOYS & ALIENS – Watch It At Home: Genre Mash-Up Zaps Itself In the Foot It’s admirable, in a way, that for much of its length, COWBOYS AND ALIENS is willing to be more of a western than a scif...
DESPICABLE ME 2: Watch It At Home – Good-Hearted If Unexciting Sequel For the Kids Despicable Me was far from the most ambitious or striking animated feature of the last few years, but it was definitely cute. I...
THE THING: Watch It At Home – Not Interesting Enough To Be Scary The third movie iteration of THE THING is as impersonal as the creature it’s about. This version, the first feature directed ...
There is tumult in the movie business, we’re told. Reports warn that several studios as we know them are about to undergo seismic change for years to come. And why? Because Legendary Entertainment may shift i...
CONTRABAND: Worth A Ticket – Working-Class Thriller CONTRABAND is a B movie, but oddly enough, that’s one thing in short supply these days. Action movies in modern Hollywood usually c...
> The homevideo divisions of movie studios are notoriously reticent about giving out specific sales information regarding their titles beyond Week 1 boasts, but today Universal made a point of disclosing to Deadline that BRIDES...
THE FIVE-YEAR ENGAGEMENT: Watch It At Home – If Only The Engagement Were A Little Shorter… Judd Apatow, as both director (The 40=Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up) and producer (Bridesmaids, Superbad, Pine...
Today Paramount announced that its upcoming sequel GI JOE: RETALIATION won’t be opening on June 29 after all, but will instead be pushed to March 2013. The studio would like you to know that this in no way, abs...
> With a summer movie season bracketed by the first weekend in May on one end, and Labor Day on the other, we’ve reached the midpoint of 2011’s array of blockbusters, and for the next week, here at SHOWBUZZDAILY, we...