Team Salem’s top pick (Pixar’s Brave) opened this weekend, helping increase the slate to $290 million, up almost $97 million from last week. Meanwhile, continued strong business from Madagascar 3 and a few others pushed Team Metcalf’s almost-fully-release slate up a similar amount over the last week (up $95 million) to $1.17 billion. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter pushed Team Weil’s slate up $17 million over the past week to $79 million to date.
But things get very interesting for the second annual ShowbuzzDaily Summer Movie Draft as two superheroes come to the rescue soon for Team Salem (The Amazing Spider-Man on Tuesday, July 3) and Team Weil (The Dark Knight Rises on July 20).
Complete details in the chart below, and also note the new release date for The Bourne Legacy, now August 10 (previously August 3).

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