
December 24, 2016



Silent Night, at least in the ratings.

DEMOGRAPHIC DETAIL: For each broadcast program (or hour segment), the chart below displays preliminary key advertiser demographics (adult 18-34, 18-49 and 25-54 ratings), audience skews (women 18-49, men 18-49 and adults 50+ shares) and total viewership (thousands of people over the age of 2).

Ratings analysis follows the chart.


CBS:  The year’s installment of A HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS was steady with last year at 0.6, with 0.6/0.8 procedural reruns afterward.

CW:  The final 2 hours of TERRY CREWS SAVES CHRISTMAS held the 0.2 from Thursday’s episode.

ABC:  The only new programming of the night was 20/20, down 0.1 to 0.9.  It was preceded by sitcom reruns at 0.7/0.6 and a SHARK TANK rerun at 0.7.

NBC:  An evening of holiday reruns, topped by 1.1 for a run of the original HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS cartoon.

FOX:  A rerun of TARAJI’S WHITE HOT HOLIDAY was at 0.5, followed by a distressing 0.2 for a SLEEPY HOLLOW rerun, meant to prime the pump for the show’s 2017 return in that timeslot.

Christmas Eve and Christmas night are all-rerun affairs, save for primetime NFL FOOTBALL on NFL Network tonight and NBC tomorrow.

CABLE RATINGS: Come back Tuesday afternoon for detailed demographic ratings for top cable programs from this day, later than usual because of the Christmas holiday.


About the Author

Mitch Metcalf
MITCH METCALF has been tracking every US film release of over 500 screens (over 2300 movies and counting) since the storied weekend of May 20, 1994, when Maverick and Beverly Hills Cop 3 inspired countless aficionados to devote their lives to the art of cinema. Prior to that, he studied Politics and Economics at Princeton in order to prepare for his dream of working in television. He has been Head of West Coast Research at ABC, then moved to NBC in 2000 and became Head of Scheduling for 11 years.