Posts Tagged ‘box office’


Year to Date Box Office & Worldwide Studio Scorecard 12.21.2014

WORLDWIDE STUDIO SCORECARD.  A huge weekend for Warner Brothers, pushes the studio back into a secure second place among the Hollywood studios. Scroll down for domestic and overseas grosses for each film individually so far in...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekend Studio Estimates 12.19-21.2014

Based on Friday’s and Saturday’s grosses, weekend #51 of 2014 now looks like $127 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, up slightly from yesterday’s estimate ($126 million) and now up 5% from the norm fo...
by Mitch Metcalf



FRIDAY 12.19.2014 Box Office Report

Based on Friday’s grosses, weekend #51 of 2014 looks like $126 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, up 4% from the norm for this weekend ($121 million) but down -8% from the same weekend last year.   Continuing at...
by Mitch Metcalf


THURSDAY BOX OFFICE: “Hobbit” Armies Take Casualties On Day 2

  The answer to yesterday’s box office question–would THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES (New Line/MGM/Warners) look more like The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King or Twilight: Eclipse along the co...
by Mitch Salem



Weekend Box Office Predictions 12.19-21.2014

Weekend #51 of 2014 is looking like $147 million for the top 12 films this weekend, up 22% from the norm for this weekend and up 8% from the same weekend last year.   Opening at over 3,875 theaters Wednesday (well above the...
by Mitch Metcalf


Year to Date Box Office & Worldwide Studio Scorecard 12.14.2014

WORLDWIDE STUDIO SCORECARD. Scroll down for domestic and overseas grosses for each film individually so far in 2014. YEAR TO DATE BOX OFFICE. Looking at North American box office, 2014 is still running -6% behind last year and ...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Studio Estimates 12.12-14.2014

Based on Friday’s and Saturday’s grosses, weekend #50 of 2014 now looks like $78 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, a touch better than yesterday’s estimate ($76 million) but still down sharply from t...
by Mitch Metcalf


FRIDAY 12.12.2014 Box Office Report

Based on Friday’s grosses, weekend #50 of 2014 looks like $76 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, down a horrible 40% from the norm for this weekend ($127 million) and down 46% from the same weekend last year.   ...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Box Office Predictions 12.12-14.2014

Weekend #50 of 2014 is looking like $81 million for the top 12 films this weekend, down a big 36% from the norm for this weekend and a similar 43% from the same weekend last year.  The Hobbit launched this weekend the last...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekend Studio Estimates 12.5-7.2014

Based on Friday’s grosses, weekend #49 of 2014 looks like $70 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, similar to yesterday’s estimate ($69 million), down 9% the norm for this weekend ($78 million) and down 19% f...
by Mitch Metcalf



Year to Date Box Office & Worldwide Studio Scorecard 12.7.2014

WORLDWIDE STUDIO SCORECARD. Scroll down for domestic and overseas grosses for each film individually so far in 2014. YEAR TO DATE BOX OFFICE. Looking at North American box office, 2014 is still running -6% behind last year and ...
by Mitch Metcalf


FRIDAY 12.5.2014 Box Office Report

Based on Friday’s grosses, weekend #49 of 2014 looks like $69 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, down 11% the norm for this weekend ($78 million) and down 20% from the same weekend last year.   Opening at a mere...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Box Office Predictions

The weekend predictions will return next week, when Exodus: God and Kings and Top Five are released nationally.  This weekend, typical for the post-Thanksgiving weekend, is extremely quiet.  Only The Pyramid is opening at a v...
by Mitch Metcalf


Year to Date Box Office & Worldwide Studio Scorecard 11.30.2014

WORLDWIDE STUDIO SCORECARD. Scroll down for domestic and overseas grosses for each film individually so far in 2014. YEAR TO DATE BOX OFFICE. Looking at North American box office, 2014 is now running -6% behind last year (worse...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Studio Estimates 11.28-30.2014

Based on Friday’s grosses, weekend #48 of 2014 looks like $156 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, down 14% the norm for Thanksgiving weekend ($180 million) and down 20% from the same weekend last year.  Pretty s...
by Mitch Metcalf