Posts Tagged ‘What’s Your Number’


THE BIJOU: Early Friday Boxoffice 10/7/11

> Deadline has some preliminary numbers for Friday’s boxoffice, and as expected, REAL STEEL is headed for a weekend victory.  Assuming that it gets the Saturday bump that usually goes to pictures targeted at family a...
by Mitch Salem


THE BIJOU: Early Weekend Boxoffice 10/1/11

> Deadline has some early updated weekend numbers, and there are no major surprises from the Friday results.  The top 3 are DOLPHIN TALE, MONEYBALL and THE LION KING with $14M, $12M and $11M respectively, with the family p...
by Mitch Salem



THE BIJOU: Friday Boxoffice Footnotes 9/30/11

> THE SOCIAL NETWORK fell only 31% in its second weekend, so MONEYBALL, which is headed for a fall closer to 40% (after a lower opening), continues not to be in Network‘s league financially.  The timing of a movie li...
by Mitch Salem


THE BIJOU: Early Boxoffice Report 9/30/11

> Deadline has updated early Friday numbers, and it’s looking like another too-close-to-call weekend:  all the movies in the Top 5–MONEYBALL, THE LION KING, DOLPHIN TALE, COURAGEOUS and 50/50–have Friday ...
by Mitch Salem



THE BIJOU: Preliminary Boxoffice 9/30/11

> The Hollywood Reporter has some very office boxoffice numbers.  These are based on matinee business only, so they can be misleading as to what will happen over the course of Friday, let along the weekend.  But for n...
by Mitch Salem



> Hey, go see this movie. A fairly strong weekend is in store in terms of overall box office volume, up about 9% from the same weekend last year.  Most of the business will go to returning films Dolphin Tale, Money...
by Mitch Metcalf


by Mitch Salem



    WHAT’S YOUR NUMBER? – Worth a Ticket:   The Number’s Higher Than You’d Think   Romantic comedies that are actually romantic and comic are so rare these days, it doesn’t matter ...
by Mitch Salem



THE BIJOU: Boxoffice Footnotes 9/25/11

> No doubt the enormous success of THE LION KING hasn’t been lost on anyone at Disney, and we can expect to see 3D reissues of more classic animation over the next few years, leading into yet more homevideo editions. If n...
by Mitch Salem