Posts Tagged ‘ABC Upfront’


THE SKED 2013 UPFRONTS: ABC Midseason Trailer “Mind Games”

  Kyle Killen’s Lone Star and Awake were two of the most ambitious network series of recent years–and two of the most resounding flops.  He has to be hoping that his third time (and third network) is the charm...
by Mitch Salem


THE SKED 2013 UPFRONTS: ABC Midseason Trailer “Mixology”

  Another TBD for ABC’s midseason:  the high-concept comedy MIXOLOGY.  The entire season takes place in a single night, at a bar where 10 single people are looking for love (or a close substitute), which–if t...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED 2013 UPFRONTS: ABC Midseason Trailer “Killer Women”

  KILLER WOMEN is another ABC TBD for midseason, this one starring Tricia Helfer (from Battlestar Galactica) as a Texas Ranger. Did you know women can be Texas Rangers these days?  Hot women, too!  No kidding.  Killer W...
by Mitch Salem


THE SKED 2013 UPFRONTS: ABC Trailer “Back In the Game”

  ABC rounds out its new Wednesday with BACK IN THE GAME, placed in the 8:30PM hammock slot between The Middle and Modern Family  It’s pretty clearly inspired by the Clint Eastwood movie Trouble With the Curve, with...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED 2013 UPFRONTS: ABC Trailer “Super Fun Night”

  ABC is all-in with Rebel Wilson next fall.  The network has given SUPER FUN NIGHT, which she wrote as well as stars in, its showcase Wednesday 9:30PM slot, behind Modern Family.  Wilson plays one of a trio of pals who&...
by Mitch Salem


THE SKED 2013 UPFRONTS: ABC Trailer “Once Upon A Time In Wonderland”

  ABC has had no success at all in the Thursday 8PM slot for years, which is doubly frustrating now that 9PM and 10PM are humming along beautifully with the Grey’s Anatomy/Scandal duo.  The network is trying somethi...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED 2013 UPFRONTS: ABC Trailer “Lucky 7”

  ABC wraps up its all-new Tuesday night with LUCKY 7, a wish-fulfillment (and probably a “be careful what you wish for”) drama about a group of 7 blue-collar workers at a Queens gas station who hit the lottery...
by Mitch Salem


THE SKED 2013 UPFRONTS: ABC Trailer “The Goldbergs”

  THE GOLDBERGS, as it will be described in roughly 10 billion places between now and September, is The Wonder Years set in the 1980s, based on the childhood of series creator Adam F. Goldberg, with Jeff Garlin as gruff bu...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED 2013 UPFRONTS: ABC Trailer “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

  AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. is The Big One, not just for ABC but for any network this fall.  A spin-off of one of the most successful movies ever made (and part of a gigantically successful ongoing franchise), co-written and...
by Mitch Salem


THE SKED 2013 UPFRONTS: ABC Trailer “Betrayal”

  BETRAYAL will be the latest inhabitant of ABC’s Sunday 10PM soap hour, trying to outdo such recent occupants as GCB, Red Widow, 666 Park Avenue and Pan Am.  It stars Hannah Ware as the wife of a prosecutor who dis...
by Mitch Salem



THE SKED 2013 UPFRONTS: ABC Trailer “Trophy Wife”

  ABC has started putting up its Upfront trailers for the network’s new series, so we’re going to chime in with some instant impressions.  As always, remember that a trailer isn’t necessarily a real sign...
by Mitch Salem


UPDATED: THE SKED 2013 UPFRONTS: The New ABC Schedule Grid & Instant Analysis

  ABC needs to dig its way out of 4th place next season, and no one can say they’re not putting in the effort.  Every night of the week in the fall will have be changed except Mondays, and the network is introducing...
by Mitch Salem