Posts Tagged ‘box office’


Year to Date Box Office & Worldwide Studio 5.22.2016

WORLDWIDE STUDIO SCORECARD.  Updated look at 2016 by studio.   YEAR TO DATE BOX OFFICE. Looking at North American box office, 2016 to date is now +2% above last year and now +4% above the average for this point the past ...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekend Box Office Predictions 5.20-22.2016

Weekend #21 of 2016 forecasts for films opening wide and major returning films: NEW FILMS THIS WEEKEND May 20-22, 2016 Critics Positive ($ millions) Opening Weekend Forecast Domestic Total Projection Overseas Total Projection W...
by Mitch Metcalf



Year to Date Box Office & Worldwide Studio Scorecard 5.15.2016

WORLDWIDE STUDIO SCORECARD.  Updated look at 2016 by studio.   YEAR TO DATE BOX OFFICE. Looking at North American box office, 2016 to date is now +3% above last year and now +6% above the average for this point the past ...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekend Box Office Predictions 5.13-15.2016

Weekend #20 of 2016 forecasts for films opening wide and major returning films: NEW FILMS THIS WEEKEND May 13-15, 2016 Critics Positive ($ millions) Opening Weekend Forecast Domestic Total Projection Overseas Total Projection W...
by Mitch Metcalf



Year to Date Box Office & Worldwide Studio Scorecard 5.8.2016

WORLDWIDE STUDIO SCORECARD.  Updated look at 2016 by studio.   YEAR TO DATE BOX OFFICE. Looking at North American box office, 2016 to date is still +4% above last year and now +7% above the average for this point the pa...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekend Box Office Predictions 5.6-8.2016

Weekend #19 of 2016 forecasts for films opening wide and major returning films: NEW FILMS THIS WEEKEND May 6-8, 2016 Critics Positive ($ millions) Opening Weekend Forecast Domestic Total Projection Overseas Total Projection Wor...
by Mitch Metcalf



Year to Date Box Office & Worldwide Studio Scorecard 5.1.2016

WORLDWIDE STUDIO SCORECARD.  Updated look at 2016 by studio.   YEAR TO DATE BOX OFFICE. Looking at North American box office, 2016 to date is now +2% above last year and now +6% above the average for this point the past ...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekend Box Office Predictions 4.29-5.1.2016

Weekend #18 of 2016 forecasts for films opening wide and major returning films: NEW FILMS THIS WEEKEND April 29-May 1, 2016 Critics Positive ($ millions) Opening Weekend Forecast Domestic Total Projection Overseas Total Project...
by Mitch Metcalf



Year to Date Box Office & Worldwide Studio Scorecard 4.24.2016

WORLDWIDE STUDIO SCORECARD.  Updated look at 2016 by studio.   YEAR TO DATE BOX OFFICE. Looking at North American box office, 2016 to date is now +6% above last year and still +9% above the average for this point the pas...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekend Box Office Predictions 4.22-24.2016

Weekend #17 of 2016 forecasts for films opening wide and major returning films: NEW FILMS THIS WEEKEND April 22-24, 2016 Critics Positive ($ millions) Opening Weekend Forecast Domestic Total Projection Overseas Total Projection...
by Mitch Metcalf



Year to Date Box Office & Worldwide Studio Scorecard 4.17.2016

WORLDWIDE STUDIO SCORECARD.  Updated look at 2016 by studio.   YEAR TO DATE BOX OFFICE. Looking at North American box office, 2016 to date is now +5% above last year and now +9% above the average for this point the past f...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekend Box Office Predictions 4.15-17.2016

Weekend #16 of 2016 forecasts for films opening wide and major returning films: NEW FILMS THIS WEEKEND April 15-17, 2016 Critics Positive ($ millions) Opening Weekend Forecast Domestic Total Projection Overseas Total Projection...
by Mitch Metcalf



Year to Date Box Office & Worldwide Studio 4.10.2016

WORLDWIDE STUDIO SCORECARD.  Updated look at 2016 by studio.   YEAR TO DATE BOX OFFICE. Looking at North American box office, 2016 to date is now +3% above last year and now +8% above the average for this point the past f...
by Mitch Metcalf


EARLY FRIDAY BOX OFFICE: “The Boss” Is Kryptonite to “BvS,” “Hardcore Henry” & “Demolition” Implode

  How much more humiliating can things get for Warners?  On Friday, according to preliminary numbers at Deadline, THE BOSS (Universal), which isn’t even a high-performing Melissa McCarthy vehicle, beat up both the s...
by Mitch Salem



Weekend Box Office Predictions 4.8-10.2016

Weekend #15 of 2016 forecasts for films opening wide and major returning films: NEW FILMS THIS WEEKEND April 8-10, 2016 Critics Positive ($ millions) Opening Weekend Forecast Domestic Total Projection Overseas Total Projection ...
by Mitch Metcalf