Posts Tagged ‘Weekend’


Weekend Studio Estimates 12.5-7.2014

Based on Friday’s grosses, weekend #49 of 2014 looks like $70 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, similar to yesterday’s estimate ($69 million), down 9% the norm for this weekend ($78 million) and down 19% f...
by Mitch Metcalf


FRIDAY 12.5.2014 Box Office Report

Based on Friday’s grosses, weekend #49 of 2014 looks like $69 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, down 11% the norm for this weekend ($78 million) and down 20% from the same weekend last year.   Opening at a mere...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Box Office Predictions

The weekend predictions will return next week, when Exodus: God and Kings and Top Five are released nationally.  This weekend, typical for the post-Thanksgiving weekend, is extremely quiet.  Only The Pyramid is opening at a v...
by Mitch Metcalf


SKEDBALL: Weekend Sports TV Ratings 11.29-30.2014

The ratings below are household ratings from the 56 television markets with local Nielsen meters for Saturday November 29 and Sunday November 30, 2014. The 56 markets (out of 210 total) cover about 70% of the US television popu...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Studio Estimates 11.28-30.2014

Based on Friday’s grosses, weekend #48 of 2014 looks like $156 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, down 14% the norm for Thanksgiving weekend ($180 million) and down 20% from the same weekend last year.  Pretty s...
by Mitch Metcalf


FRIDAY 11.28.2014 Box Office Report

Based on Friday’s grosses, weekend #48 of 2014 looks like $148 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, down 18% the norm for Thanksgiving weekend ($180 million) and down 24% from the same weekend last year.  Pretty w...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Box Office Predictions 11.28-30.2014

Weekend #48 of 2014 is looking like $165 million for the top 12 films this weekend, down 8% from the norm for Thanksgiving weekend but down a bigger 15% from the same weekend last year (when Frozen opened its long run). Opening...
by Mitch Metcalf


SKEDBALL: Weekend Sports TV Ratings 11.22-23.2014

The ratings below are household ratings from the 56 television markets with local Nielsen meters for Saturday November 22 and Sunday November 23, 2014. The 56 markets (out of 210 total) cover about 70% of the US television popu...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Studio Estimates 11.21-23.2014

Based on Friday’s grosses, weekend #47 of 2014 now looks like $187 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, down from yesterday’s estimate ($194 million) and now basically even with the norm for this weekend ($18...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekend Box Office Predictions 11.21-23.2014

Weekend #47 of 2014 is looking like $227 million for the top 12 films this weekend, up 22% from the norm for this weekend and similar to this weekend last year (which also featured the opening of a Hunger Games installment). Op...
by Mitch Metcalf



SKEDBALL: Weekend Sports TV Ratings 11.15-16.2014

The ratings below are household ratings from the 56 television markets with local Nielsen meters for Saturday November 15 and Sunday November 16, 2014. The 56 markets (out of 210 total) cover about 70% of the US television popu...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekend Studio Estimates 11.14-16.2014

Based on Friday’s and Saturday’s grosses, weekend #46 of 2014 looks like $135 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, up from yesterday’s estimate ($128 million) but still down 29% the norm for this weeken...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Box Office Predictions 11.14-16.2014

Weekend #46 of 2014 is looking like $128 million for the top 12 films this weekend, down 33% from the norm for this weekend.   Opening at 3,152 theaters Friday (above the 2,886 average theater count for opening weekends the la...
by Mitch Metcalf


SKEDBALL: Weekend Sports TV Ratings 11.8-9.2014

The ratings below are household ratings from the 56 television markets with local Nielsen meters for Saturday November 8 and Sunday November 9, 2014. The 56 markets (out of 210 total) cover about 70% of the US television popula...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Studio Estimates 11.7-9.2014

Based on Friday’s and Saturday’s grosses, weekend #45 of 2014 now looks like $149 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, still up 7% the norm for this weekend ($140 million) but lower than it appeared yesterday...
by Mitch Metcalf