Posts Tagged ‘Predictions’



  Everyone enjoys a quiet weekend before the Bat-attack begins at 12:01AM Thursday night. OPENINGS:  The important number for ICE AGE:  CONTINENTAL DRIFT (20th) isn’t the $46M US opening (the lowest of the franchis...
by Mitch Salem


FRIDAY AUGUST 30 Box Office Report

Based on Friday’s grosses, Weekend #35 of 2013 looks like a very decent $95 million for the top 12 films, up 16% from the average Friday-Sunday portion of recent Labor Day weekends.  One Direction: All of Us and the out-...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Box Office Predictions 4.10-12.2015

Weekend #15 of 2015 is looking like $130 million for the top 12 films this weekend, somewhat above the norm for this weekend but a touch below the same weekend last year. Opening at around 3,300 theaters Friday (above the 2,8...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekend Box Office Predictions 2.27-3.1.2015

Weekend #9 of 2015 is looking like $93 million for the top 12 films this weekend, significantly below the normal volume for this weekend (see track below). Opening at around 3,200 theaters Friday (above the 2,886 average theate...
by Mitch Metcalf



WEEKEND BOX OFFICE PREDICTIONS July 27-29: Two Weak Movies to Open as Dark Knight Rises Stays in the Top Spot

Weekend #30 of 2012 looks like $143 million for the top 12 films, the same as last year’s comparable weekend but down 16% from the four-year average for the weekend.  Two new movies will try to take on The Dark Knight Ri...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekly Box Office Predictions SEPTEMBER 27-29

The 39th weekend of the year is looking like a good $114 million for the top 12 films, up 22% from the $94 million multi-year average for this weekend. Opening at over 3,800 theaters Friday (way above the 2,886 average theater...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Box Office Predictions 1.22-24.2016

Weekend #4 of 2016 is looking like $118 million for the top 12 films this weekend (see comparisons below). Dirty Grandpa from Lionsgate should open with $12.0 million Friday-Sunday. The film is on track for around $31 mill...
by Mitch Metcalf


Weekend Box Office Predictions APRIL 18-20

Weekend #16 of 2014 is looking like a very solid $130 million for the top 12 films, 15% above the typical volume for this weekend the past few years ($112 million).  Although not as strong as the previous few weekends, this i...
by Mitch Metcalf



Weekend Box Office Predictions 4.24-26.2015

Weekend #17 of 2015 is looking like $78 million for the top 12 films this weekend, well below the already low norm for this weekend. Opening at around 2,900 theaters Friday (very close to the 2,886 average theater count for o...
by Mitch Metcalf


FRIDAY 3.20.2015 Box Office Report

Based on Friday’s grosses, weekend #12 of 2015 looks like $119 million for the top 12 films Friday-Sunday, below the norms for this weekend.   Opening at 3,875 theaters Friday, Insurgent from Lionsgate/Summit is on tr...
by Mitch Metcalf